Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Precedence Technologies Ltd
Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1223 359900

Woodland Academy, Bedfordshire

Mrs Alison Gillett, ICT Technician, comments:

"Converting our older PCs to thin-clients has doubled the life of those machines. We have students embedding audio into DreamWeaver pages on PCs with 'Tesco Computers for Schools Scheme 2000' written on them."

"As a standard PC, it would have difficulty running Windows over ten years later, let alone an application like DreamWeaver."

Ocklynge Junior School, East Sussex

Mr Sean Winters, ICT Co-ordinator, comments:

"We have been using the Precedence TCX Thin-Clients for many years now and we have always known how quiet and energy efficent they are. This was highlighted last year, when we were having some electrical work done. The electrician asked us to go upstairs and turn on all the computers in that room to test the circuits. You should have seen his face when we told him that all 33 units were already on. The ICT Suite was generating less than 5amps for all 33 machines with TFT screens!"

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