One advantage of having your own domain is that you can have as many email addresses as you like and deliver these as you wish. You can take advantage of this even with our basic domain hosting service. Mail can be held on our servers or forwarded to existing mail accounts you may have elsewhere (the advantage of the latter is that you will not have to alter the mail server configuration in your email reader).
You can have up to 10 separate mailboxes (or 50 with advanced hosting). You can then have an unlimited amount of email addresses and say how they should be delivered. You can also reject mails to certain addresses or specify a 'catch-all'. You can even have multiple domains. We recommend the NetManager as a mail server.
An simple example domain configuration is:
Email address | Action |
fred@domain.co.uk | Delivered to domain-1 mailbox on our servers |
joe@domain.co.uk | Also delivered to domain-1 mailbox on our servers |
mary@domain.co.uk | Delivered to domain-2 mailbox on our servers |
sales@domain.co.uk | Delivered to both domain-1 and domain-2 mailboxes on our servers |
Catch-all xxx@domain.co.uk | Rejected with message: No such email address |
A more complicated example using two domains is:
Email address | Action |
fred@domain.co.uk | Delivered to domain-1 mailbox on our servers |
fred@otherdomain.co.uk | Delivered to domain-1 mailbox on our servers |
joe@domain.co.uk | Also delivered to domain-1 mailbox on our servers |
joe@otherdomain.co.uk | Also delivered to domain-2 mailbox on our servers |
dave@domain.co.uk | Rejected with message: Dave's not here |
mary@domain.co.uk | Delivered to domain-3 mailbox on our servers |
sales@domain.co.uk | Delivered to both domain-1 and domain-2 mailboxes on our servers |
lucy@domain.co.uk | Forwarded to lucy@isp.net |
For a fuller description of how email works, please see the NetManager email support pages.