Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Precedence Technologies Ltd
Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1223 359900

Virtual Desktops and Apps: Educational Benefits

Virtual Desktops (VDI)

  1. Familiar environment from any device
  2. A full desktop with all software delivered consistently
  3. Ability for power-users to install their own software and change settings without risk of damaging the operating system or other software
  4. Easy to embrace

Virtual Apps and Server-Based Computing (SBC)

  1. Easy central management and high-user density reduces costs
  2. Publish familiar apps integrated with the local device. For example, you can launch SIMS on your iPad without having to navigate a Windows desktop
  3. Run applications on devices and Operating Systems that they would not normally run on

Provisioning Services (PVS)

  1. Get a clean machine every time you reboot
  2. Reduce support costs
  3. Consistent software and operating system on both physical PCs and your virtual desktops
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