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Manual WiFi configuration on ThinIT

ThinIT supports 48-bit WEP and WPA-PSK. 802.11X is not supported

  1. Right-click on desktop and pick Configure ThinIT...:
  2. Alternatively, click on the Configuration button (this will only show if you have sessions configured):
  3. You will be asked for the system password; by default this is empty:
  4. Expand Network settings and double-click on Wireless network settings (or select it and click OK):
  5. Next double-click on Configure SSIDs and priority:
  6. Enter your SSID when prompted:
  7. Once you have at least one SSID configured, the Configure SSIDs and priority option wlil show you a screen where you can remove and alter the priority of your SSIDs. To add another network, tick the Tick to add a net network box before clicking OK:
  8. Once you have configured your SSIDs, click OK to return to the Wireless configuration menu and pick Set WPA passphrases:
  9. Select the network you want to set a passphrase for and click OK. You will then be prompted to enter the passphrase:
  10. Repeat until you have entered all your passphrases, then click Cancel to return to the main Wireless configuration menu
  11. Choose Re-associated with access point to restart the WiFi association process with the new settings
  12. To view the WiFi status pick Show status and look at the wpa_state link. When set to SCANNING it is still searching:
  13. When connected, the status page will say wpa_state=COMPLETED:
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Page last modified on June 21, 2024, at 03:38 PM by sborrill