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Upgrading to a new Operating System release

Every 2 years or so, there is a new operating system release which will add major new functionality that NetManager software can take advantage of. It is important that upgrades are done as only the last two major releases of the NetBSD operating system are supported for security updates, etc.

When Precedence release a NetManager Operating System upgrade, we will offer it via three mechanisms:

  • Your local agent who can do the upgrade for you on-site
  • A CDROM posted to you for you to do the upgrade yourself
  • An ISO image will be downloaded and installed remotely as part of your service contract

To upgrade from CDROM

  1. Put CD in CDROM drive of NetManager
  2. Ensure you have a keyboard and monitor attached to the NetManager
  3. Log into the NetManager as root (with your normal root password)
  4. At the menu, choose option A "Ongoing Server Administration"
  5. At the next menu, choose option S "Software options"
  6. At the next menu, choose option C "Apply software upgrades from CDROM"
  7. When prompted, please hit RETURN
  8. You should be given a screen saying "NetManager Operating System 5.0 upgrade" (see below) and asked to confirm that you wish to proceed. Type yes and hit RETURN
  9. Firstly, if you are running NetManager software older than the upgrade CDROM, your NetManager will be updated
  10. Next, the upgrade will be copied from the CDROM to the harddisc of the server (if there is not sufficient space, then the upgrade will refuse to start). Each file is checked as it is copied. If any do not copy successfully, the upgrade process will be aborted.
  11. After the copy has completed, the server will reboot and the upgrade proper will be begin. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE COMPUTER DURING THE UPGRADE
  12. Wait for installation to complete (the server will reboot a few times and be unavailable for use by your client computers while the upgrade is being performed).
  13. Once the upgrade has completed, you will be back at the normal NetManager login prompt
  14. Login as root and then you MUST update your NetManager using the normal update procedure. If you do not, any optional modules will not be upgraded (and may be missing entirely).

When updating from NetBSD 3 or 4:

NetManager Operating System 5.0 upgrade

Machine type   : i386
Current version: 3.1_STABLE
Kernel type    : NETMANFS
Installing from: /cdrom

Are you sure you want to do this upgrade?
If so, please type yes and hit RETURN:

When updating from NetBSD 5:

NetManager Operating System 5.0 upgrade

Machine type   : i386
Current version: 5.0_STABLE
Kernel type    : NETMANFS
Installing from: /cdrom

You are already running version 5.0_STABLE on this computer

Are you sure you want to continue? [n]:y
Are you sure you want to do this upgrade?
If so, please type yes and hit RETURN:
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Page last modified on December 21, 2010, at 03:15 PM by sborrill