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Home right arrow Products right arrow Legacy right arrow TotalFiler

TotalFiler provides a single method of logging onto a network. All the user needs to do is to type in their username and password. TotalFiler does the rest. It will connect to their home area (on Unix/Linux, Windows NT or Acorn Level 4). After doing so, it will also connect to any other network resources that have been configured. It will connect to multiple servers with the most appropriate mechanism. In addition, it will also automatically configure !Marcel (from the ANT Internet Suite) to allow access to e-mail. If you use Citrix ICA to access a Windows Application Server, it will allow automatic connection without the user having to type in their username and password again. This software is similar to Atomwide's NTFiler, but is much more powerful. It is also cheaper and is undergoing continual improvement.

Login screens don't come much simpler

If you are using this software with a Unix/Linux server or a Windows NT based server, we strongly recommend that you purchase LanMan98 to complement it.
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