Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)8456 446 800 / +44 (0)1223 359900
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Network Computers | TotalBoot | NCWorks | TotalFiler

Our older products

Precedence Technologies have developed a number of products which are now no longer part of our main product portfolio. However, we still supply and support these products.

Network Computers (NCs)

These are RISCOS-based ARM-powered thin-clients. They have a built-in web-browser. When combined with TotalBoot, they can boot from a wide-variety of networks or storage devices and can provide access to both Acorn/RISCOS and Windows software.
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TotalBoot allows you boot an NC from a NetManager, Windows server, compact-flash or parallel port Zip drive.
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NCWorks is a full productivity suite for use with our TotalBoot and Network Computer products.
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TotalFiler allows a single point of login to all network resources. It is designed for use with RISCOS 3.1 and above.
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