Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Precedence Technologies Ltd
Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)8456 446 800 / +44 (0)1223 359900

Terms and Conditions for domain registrations

Precedence's general Terms and Conditions of Sale may be found on the Terms and Conditions section of our website. This includes our documented complaints procedure.

Precedence Technologies Ltd registers all domain names in the name provided by the Customer (You) at the time of registration.

Precedence Technologies Ltd will accept all new registrations onto our system and register them as soon as possible after payment has been processed. However, until the domain is showing as registered to the Customer via a WHOIS search, we do not guarantee a domain has been secured for a Customer

The domain name registration period for domains runs for one year or more (as requested by you) from the date of registration. After the initial registration period has elapsed, renewal of your domain name registration may be made upon payment of the renewal fees by You to Precedence Technologies Ltd

Precedence Technologies Ltd will contact you between 30 and 45 days prior to expiry of your domain offering to renew your domain. This offer will consist of an invoice for the renewal. If we do not hear back from you or you no longer wish us to renew your domain your domain will expire. Precedence Technologies Ltd will not do any action to cause your domain to cancelled immediately upon expiry. Your domain may be renewed at any time until the Registrar (Nominet for .uk domains) actively cancels the domain. There will be no penalty charge levied by Precedence Technologies Ltd for late renewal, but some registries for certain domains (e.g. .com) may apply re-instatement charges; these will be passed on at cost.

Should you wish to transfer your domain to a new Registrar, Precedence Technologies Ltd will not charge for this service. The domain will be released within 2 working days after we have satisfied ourselves that the request has come from an authorised authority. To ease our security checks, please ensure emailed requests come from the domain in question and are from a named contact on our system.

Once a registration request has been completed, no refunds can be made by Precedence Technologies Ltd. In addition, no refunds can be made if registration attempts have been made by the registrant within 48 hours of attempting to register the domain through Precedence Technologies Ltd.

Until the registrant receives confirmation of registration from Precedence Technologies Ltd, there is no guarantee that the domain name requested will be registered

The registrant agrees that all details submitted in respect of a domain name registration are true and correct. The registrant makes certain to Precedence Technologies Ltd that the registration of a domain name and the way in which it is used (directly or indirectly) does not infringe the legal rights of any third party. Precedence Technologies Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the use of registered domain names especially where there may be conflict over rights to ownership.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Precedence Technologies Ltd, intermediary registrars and the registry administrators themselves, including our and their employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates, from and against any claim, action, suit, demand, loss, damages, costs (including reasonable legal fees, expert witness fees and expenses), or other proceedings related to or arising out of the registration or use of the domain name registered through Precedence Technologies Ltd. This indemnification is in addition to any indemnification required under the Domain Name Dispute Policy.

By registering a .uk domain name, you enter into a contract of registration with Nominet, on the following terms and conditions, at Please read the Nominet terms before proceeding with your order. This is a separate contract to any arrangement you may have with any third party (such as Precedence Technologies Ltd) for the provision of Services.

By registering any domain other than a .uk domain, You enter into a contract of registration with the relevant registry.

Some domains (most that are not .uk) are subject to ICANN's terms. For these domains, your rights and responsibilities can be viewed here. Your benefits and responsibilities can be viewed here. If an ICANN domain expires this is covered by the ICANN Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP). The cost to recover an expired domain that is subject to ERRP from redemption is £99.

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