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Home right arrow Solutions right arrow Bring Your Own Device
There are many types of device that your users could bring

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Challenges

There are many reasons why we should allow students to bring in their own devices but these come with their own set of technical and user challenges, such as:

  • How to keep your network protected
  • Providing a consistent set of tools tailored to each different device
  • Keeping students focussed on the task in hand
  • Recharging of student owned devices
  • Data protection and safeguarding your data
  • Managing the right apps for the right device
  • Protecting school email systems when accessing on a personal device
  • Providing suitable wireless access throughout the site with suitable capacity to support learning yet without opening access to sensitive systems
  • Insurance of non-school devices if damaged during the school day
  • How to engage with students that don't own a personal device or have limited/no access to ICT at home
  • How to manage AppStore/Google Play licensing
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