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TemplateEngine is used as the core of a number of Precedence software products such as FileSurfer and NetManager Intranet. It is also used for many of our custom developments.

TemplateEngine allows the look and feel of dynamic webpages to be separated from the software that generates the pages. This means that the user interface can be significantly altered without any specific programming skills beyond the HTML and CSS necessary for the design work.


The most common usage is for a template HTML file to be loaded by the software and then processed before sending the output to the web-browser. Most of the HTML/text contained will be sent through without being touched, however some characters have special meaning. The software itself creates what is known as a context. This contains the dynamic parts of the website. The context and template are combined to form the output, i.e. the template is static, but the context differs from page to page. More importantly, the information that the context contains will differ between different software. Therefore, this page will not document the details of the context, merely how it will be used. TemplateEngine is usually used to generate HTML files for a web-browser, it can be used to generate any types of text file. For example, if your context contains data in an array, you could generate an HTML table, a CSV file, an XML file or JSON output just by switching to a different template without needing to alter the context.

Basic substitution

Text surrounded by [[ and ]] will be used to look up an item from the context.

Let us assume the template contains:

...and that the context is specified as:

array('title' => 'My Web Page')
The final output will be:
<title>My Web Page</title>

Multi-dimensional arrays can be accessed by separating the subscripts with commas, e.g. [[person,name]] will be replaced by context['person']['name'].

Literal blocks

You can surround blocks which should not be processed further with {{@ and @}}. This will avoid errors due to unintentional matches such as [[sdf*sdf]]

Conditional substitution

The character pairs {{ and }} are used to separate out blocks of text. You may use two question marks to define a conditions when this block will be displayed.

The simplest is whether a name is set in the context: {{?unread?You have unread emails}}

If unread is unset or set to zero (or false), then this will output nothing. However if unread has a value, the string You have unread emails will be output.

{{}} sections can span multiple lines and line breaks within these will be maintained in the output:


Remember you can also include normal substitutions (and even other nested conditional blocks):

{{?error?<h1>Error: [[error]]</h1>}}

You can use ! to reverse the logic: {{?!unread?You have read all your email}}

If/Then/Else can be used by surrounding the Then and Else blocks with more {{ and }} characters. For example:

This option is currently {{?option?{{enabled}}{{disabled}}}}

Always remember to close off your [[ and {{ tags correctly.

Class functions

[static] singleton()the (existing) class instance
[static] checkVersion($minimum)is $minimum newer than the current class version
combine($template, $context, $emptytag = null)the string $template, rendered with $context, use $emptytag for empty output
render($files, $context, $reload = false)the string from file(s) $files, $rendered with $context, $reload disables file caching
reverse($html, $recurse = false, $tag = null)return some context, from $html, $recurse through child elements, starting at $tag

Conditional operators

a==ba equals b
a<ba is less than b
a>ba is greater than b
a<=ba is less than or equal to b
a>=ba is greater than or equal to b
a:=ba contains substring b
a:|ba contains one of | delimited substrings in b
a=|ba equals one of | delimited strings in b
a:>buppercase a equals b
a:<blowercase a equals b
a%beval(a mod b)

Strings should be quoted with single quotes. For example, {{?food=='apple'?{{Apple}}{{Not apple}}}}

Context metadata

The context array supplied will have the following values added to it.

_combinesthe number of times a context was combined with a template
_emptytagthe value set to be used in place of empty output

Calling PHP functions

PHP functions can be called by using the * character in your context lookups: [[func*name]] will be replaced by value of function func([[name]]). Functions can be nested, e.g. [[func1*func2*func3*name]] will be replaced by func1(func2(func3([[name]])))

Looping over an array

Sometimes the context contains lists of data within a single name. These are looped over by using the | operator. N.B. the input must be a multi-dimensional array. Each iteration will return the next element in the trunk of the array.

Example code:


$context['item'] = array(
        array('name'=>'Apple', 'type'=>'fruit'),
        array('name'=>'Banana', 'type'=>'fruit'),
        array('name'=>'Cheese', 'type'=>'dairy')

$template = '<html><body>I like to eat:
{{|item|{{<li>Item [[item,name]] of type [[item,type]]</li>}}}}
echo templateEngine::singleton()->combine($template, $context);


I like to eat:

  • Item Apple of type fruit
  • Item Banana of type fruit
  • Item Cheese of type dairy

This is not designed to work with a single-dimension array, i.e. the following will NOT work:


$context['item'] = array('Apple', 'Banana','Cheese');

$template = '<html><body>I like to eat:
{{|item|{{<li>Item [[item]]</li>}}}}
echo templateEngine::singleton()->combine($template, $context);

Looping over nested/multi-dimension arrays

The above can be extended to deal with nested or multi-dimensional arrays


$context['how'][0]['method'] = 'eat';
$context['how'][0]['item'] = array(
        array('name' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'fruit'),
        array('name' => 'Banana', 'type' => 'fruit'),
        array('name' => 'Cheese', 'type' => 'dairy')

$context['how'][1]['method'] = 'drink';
$context['how'][1]['item'] = array(
        array('name' => 'Apple juice', 'type' => 'fruit'),
        array('name' => 'Beer', 'type' => 'alcohol'),
        array('name' => 'Cherryade', 'type' => 'soda')

$template = '<html><body>
<ol>{{|how|{{<li>I like to [[how,method]]:</li>
{{|how,item|{{<li>Item [[how,item,name]] of type [[how,item,type]]</li>}}}}
echo templateEngine::singleton()->combine($template, $context);


  1. I like to eat:
    • Item Apple of type fruit
    • Item Banana of type fruit
    • Item Cheese of type dairy
  2. I like to drink:
    • Item Apple juice of type fruit
    • Item Beer of type alcohol
    • Item Cherryade of type soda

Looping over a subset of an array

The ^ operator allow you to use an array to select a subset of items from another array. So in the following example, the item array contains all possible items, but the filter array contains just the keys of the items we want to output (in the correct order). These are combined using item^filter.


$context['item']['apple'] = array('name'=>'Apple', 'type'=>'fruit');
$context['item']['banana'] = array('name'=>'Banana', 'type'=>'fruit');
$context['item']['cheese'] = array('name'=>'Cheese', 'type'=>'dairy');

$context['filter'] = array('cheese', 'apple');
$template = '<html><body>I like to eat:
{{|item^filter|{{<li>Item [[item^filter,name]] of type [[item^filter,type]]</li>}}}}
echo templateEngine::singleton()->combine($template, $context);


I like to eat:

  • Item Cheese of type dairy
  • Item Apple of type fruit

Variable metadata and transformation functions

A context element can have transforms (such as upper-casing) or metadata lookups (such as string length) done on it.

To do this use the syntax context:function. Supported functions as listed below:

count / lengtharray or string length
lowercasestring converted to lower case
uppercasestring converted to upper case
intnumber rounded-down to nearest integer
htmlstring converted to HTML with htmlentities()
urlstring URL-encoded with rawurlencode()
isarrayis value an array? (boolean)
isfirstis value the first array element? (boolean)
islastis value the last array element? (boolean)
loop / counterelement number of the local array
keythe key for this element
levelstring representation of context depth
levelidunique ID of context depth
loopidunique ID of context position

For example:

  • If fruit is set to Apple, fruit:uppercase will be APPLE
  • islast and isfirst could be used to insert <ul> and </ul> tags when generating a list from an array
  • {{|fruit|{{?!fruit:isfirst{{<br/>}}}}[[fruit,name]]}}}} will do a line-break between each element of an array
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Page last modified on August 01, 2023, at 07:39 PM by sborrill