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Jump To: Support > KB > SurfYourOwn > AddNewPage

Adding a new page

  • Login into the management system on your website. To access the login page, add /cms/admin.php to the end of your web address (URL).
  • Look for the section for the site to create the page in. This will usually be Master Site
  • Click on the + icon next to the site name to add a new page. This will take you to the Page settings window.
  • On the Page settings window enter:
    • Name - this represents the address that will be used to access the page and needs to be unique. For instance if you enter testpage and your webaddress is, the page will be accessible as This makes it very easy to create memorable URLs. It is best to avoid using spaces.
    • Page title - this is the name that will be displayed in the browser for this page (and show in the page history, etc.)
    • Select a page layout - choose from a list of layouts defined for your website. This varies from a site to site basis as the layouts will have been customised for your site. If in any doubt, you can look at the settings for your existing pages when on the main Pages page by hovering your mouse pointer over the right hand arrow next to a page name and choosing Settings
    • Similarly, choose a Styling scheme. This will usually be left as <unset>.
    • If the Under-construction box is ticked, the page will not be accessible except from within the editing system. Any attempt to access it directly will give a simple Page Under Construction page.
    • Other options can be left as the default.
  • Edit the page as appropriate.
  • When ready to make your page public, if you have left the page as Under-construction, you should now go into the page settings as described above and untick the Under-construction box.
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Page last modified on July 14, 2010, at 08:24 PM by sborrill