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Shutdown and restart procedure

This page is to be used as a rough guide to shutting down and restarting servers. All customers have their own setups and servers installed with different technologies so this is to give you a general overview of the procedure.

This procedure is to be used for a complete shutdown and restart of all servers and is not specific to shutting down individual servers. It is assumed that the person reading this page is familiar with the shutdown procedures of individual servers. If you are unsure of how to correctly shutdown a specific server, please feel free to contact us.

Below is an ordered list of how servers should be started:

  1. Storage (e.g. SAN)
  2. NetManager
  3. Virtualisation server (pool master) - if applicable. Probably called xenserver01
  4. Other virtualisation servers - if applicable
  5. First Domain Controller (probably called DC01) *
  6. Any/all other domain controllers *
  7. Provisioning server database (e.g. PVSCore) - if applicable *
  8. Other provisioning servers
  9. Fileserver(s) *
  10. Print server(s) *
  11. Citrix Datastore (N.B. may be one of your application servers if a very small network)
  12. Citrix Delivery Controllers - if applicable. Probably called XDC01 and XDC02
  13. NetScaler/Access gateway
  14. Citrix application servers

Items with a * will probably be virtual machines.

All other servers (e.g. SIMS, Antivirus) can generally be rebooted in any order after the domain controllers are up.

Shutting down is generally not order-specific, but on occasion resources may be provided from one server to another. Therefore, if you shutdown in the reverse order to the list above you will minimise any potential transitory errors. If using virtualisation, you should shutdown all VMs first, then the virtualisation hosts, then any shared storage (e.g. SAN or NetManager).

If you are unclear on which order you need to start up your site's servers after reading this, please feel free to contact us for plan tailored to your site.

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Page last modified on July 02, 2015, at 08:59 AM by sborrill