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Updating HP switch firmware

N.B. HP recommend you incrementally update the firmware:

NOTE: HPE recommends that you update to this software from one of the three previous releases (KB.15.18.xxxx - KB.16.01.xxxx). If your switch is running an earlier version of software, incremental updates are recommended.

  • telnet or ssh (as appropriate) to your switch using PuTTY or direct from NetManager:
    netmanager 1# ssh admin@switch-core
    We'd like to keep you up to date about:
      * Software feature updates
      * New product announcements
      * Special events
    Please register your products now at:
    admin@switch-core's password:
  • Login when prompted and use the show flash:
    switch-core# show flash
    Image             Size (bytes) Date     Version
    ----------------- ------------ -------- --------------
    Primary Image    :    12517544 03/15/14 KB.15.15.0006
    Secondary Image  :    12517544 03/15/14 KB.15.15.0006
    Boot ROM Version : KB.15.01.0001
    Default Boot     : Primary
  • Visit the searchable HP firmware page and locate the firmware for your chosen switch.
  • Bearing in mind the notice about incremental updates (above), download the appropriate software. Read any relevant notices on the download page for the versions. In the example here, the switch is KB.15.15.0006 and the firmware available is KB.16.03.0003, KB.16.02.0016, KB.16.01.0012, KB.15.18.0013 and KB.15.16.0016m (Maintenance). As the current version is KB.15.15 and the notice says to upgrade from KB.15.18.xxxx, I will update to KB.15.18.0013 first and then update to KB.16.03.0003
  • Copy the firmware to the tftp area (/tftpboot) on NetManager using WinSCP. I've placed in a subdirectory /tftpboot/hp/5400r, so the path will begin with /hp/5400r (filenames are case-sensitive)
  • The switch has two firmware locations. Ideally, you should update the secondary, check that it works and then update the primary. So first update the secondary:
    switch-core# copy tftp flash /hp/5400r/KB_15_18_0013.swi secondary
    The Secondary OS Image will be deleted, continue [y/n]?  y
  • Check that it has correctly updated:
    switch-core# show flash
    Image             Size (bytes) Date     Version
    ----------------- ------------ -------- --------------
    Primary Image    :    12517544 03/15/14 KB.15.15.0006
    Secondary Image  :    16575066 09/01/16 KB.15.18.0013
    Boot ROM Version : KB.15.01.0001
    Default Boot     : Primary
  • Reboot from the secondary flash:
    switch-core# boot system flash secondary
    System will be rebooted from secondary image. Do you want to continue [y/n]?  y
    Connection to switch-core closed by remote host.
  • Log in and use show version to check the correct version is running:
    switch-core# show version
    Management Module 1: Active
    Image stamp:
                    Sep  1 2016 18:47:52
    Boot Image:     Secondary
    Boot ROM Version:    KB.15.01.0001
    Active Boot ROM:     Primary
  • If all is OK, repeat the copy and boot commands, but with primary instead of secondary:
    copy tftp flash /hp/5400r/KB_15_18_0013.swi primary
    boot system flash primary
  • Repeat with any other versions until the switch is up to date


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Page last modified on February 13, 2017, at 09:51 AM by sborrill