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Jump To: Support > KB > NetManager > Webmail > Contacts > CSV

CSV file format

The import process is very flexible as it needs to deal with exports from many programs. The file can contain as little as just one field (i.e. a simple list of emali addresses is acceptable), but it must have a header as the first line.

  • Fields do not need to be quoted with "
  • Line endings can be CR (macOS), LF (Unix) or CR/LF (DOS)
  • First line must contain a list of field names
  • Any number of fields can be specified and in any order

Suggested fields to include are:

  • Email or Primary Email
  • Name or Display Name
  • First Name or Given Name
  • Last Name or Family Name
  • Group or Groups - multiple groups can be given as a semicolon-separated list

The definitive list of fields that can be used can be found here (based on RoundCube 1.3 as installed on most NetManagers). The field names are found after the =>.

Example CSV

Mr Smith,,Work
Mrs Jones,,Play
Mr Bloggs,,Work;Play

This will import 3 contacts and organise them into 2 different groups. Mr Bloggs will be in both groups.

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Page last modified on January 08, 2021, at 01:08 PM by sborrill