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Jump To: Support > KB > NetManager > SupportContract

Support Contracts

Support contracts for the NetManager cover both support and software upgrades/updates. They run for 12 months and must run concurrently.

There are different levels of support depending on the features and version you have of NetManager. If you have multiple NetManagers, you will have a base contract covering one of them, plus a number of additional extension contracts for the other servers.

Base contracts

  • SupNMIN1 = 12 month NetManager Internet support
  • SupNMFS1 = 12 month NetManager Internet + Fileserver support

Base contract will be dependent upon the highest level you have, i.e. if you have a NetManager Internet Server and a NetManager Fileserver, the base contract will be SupNMFS1.

Additional contracts

  • SupPlus1 = 12 month support for additional NetManager
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Page last modified on February 27, 2015, at 04:37 PM by sborrill