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User ncadmin

A user called ncadmin is installed by default on the NetManager.

Historical aside: it is called ncadmin because it was a user whose home area contained the boot sequence for Network Computers. Logging onto a network computer as ncadmin gave you a list of administration options.

As shipped, ncadmin is the only user who can log onto webadmin. We recommend that you give access to other users and then log onto webadmin as those users instead of allowing all administrative users to log on as ncadmin. In this way, all changes will be logged against the right user.

User root is not allowed to log in over the network to get to a command line for security reasons. However, you can log in as ncadmin and then change to user root using the su - command. This is because ncadmin is in the wheel group (and is the only non-root user in it).

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Page last modified on June 16, 2010, at 04:05 PM by jchambers