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Using ipmitool to manage NetManager and other hardware

Every modern server is equipped with a baseboard management controller (BMC) that enables its remote management. A BMC is essentially a computer within a computer with its own memory, firmware and network. It controls and monitors the fans, power and other hardware. Examples of IBMs are IMM on IBM/Lenovo System x, XCC on Lenovo ThinkSystem, iLO on HP and iDRAC on Dell.

ipmitool is a command-line tool on NetManager that allows to interrogate the BMC using the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).

If you do not specify an IP address, ipmitool will connect to the local BMC. To use the command to connect to a remote system, you need to know the IP address of the BMC as well as a username and password to access it. In the following examples, the IP address is, the username is USER and the password is PASS. Please alter as appropriate.

Local examples

Get local IP settings

  1. ipmitool lan print

Set in Progress : Set Complete Auth Type Support : NONE MD5 PASSWORD Auth Type Enable : Callback :

                        : User     : MD5 PASSWORD
                        : Operator : MD5 PASSWORD
                        : Admin    : MD5 PASSWORD
                        : OEM      :

IP Address Source : Static Address IP Address : Subnet Mask : MAC Address : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx SNMP Community String : public IP Header : TTL=0x40 Flags=0x40 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x10 BMC ARP Control : ARP Responses Enabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled Gratituous ARP Intrvl : 2.0 seconds Default Gateway IP :

Set local IP address

# ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
# ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr
Setting LAN IP Address to
# ipmitool lan set 1 netmask
Setting LAN Subnet Mask to
# ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr
Setting LAN Default Gateway IP to

Remote commands

The simplest way to use the command is as follows. This will ask for the password.
If you want to give the password on the command line add -P PASSWORD, i.e
For example, the following will show you the system status:
ipmitool -H -U USER -P PASS chassis status

Full documentation can be found here.

Example commands

Hardware status

# ipmitool -H -U USER chassis status
System Power         : on
Power Overload       : false
Power Interlock      : inactive
Main Power Fault     : false
Power Control Fault  : false
Power Restore Policy : previous
Last Power Event     :
Chassis Intrusion    : inactive
Front-Panel Lockout  : inactive
Drive Fault          : false
Cooling/Fan Fault    : false

Controlling power, including rebooting


# ipmitool -H -U USER power status
Chassis Power is on

Power on, off, cycle (reboot);

# ipmitool -H -U USER power on
# ipmitool -H -U USER power off
# ipmitool -H -U USER power cycle

System inventory including model and serial numbers (abridged)

# ipmitool -H -U USER fru
FRU Device Description : Builtin FRU Device (ID 0)
 Board Mfg Date        : Mon Jul 23 13:00:00 2012
 Board Mfg             : IBMM
 Board Product         : System Board
 Board Serial          : XXXXXXXXXXXXX
 Product Manufacturer  : IBMM
 Product Name          : System x3250 M4
 Product Part Number   : 2583K7G
 Product Version       : 0000
 Product Serial        : XXXXX

Viewing sensors

# ipmitool -H -U USER sdr list
Ambient Temp     | 25 degrees C      | ok
SysBrd 3.3V      | 3.35 Volts        | ok
SysBrd 5V        | 5.02 Volts        | ok
SysBrd 12V       | 12.26 Volts       | ok
CMOS Battery     | 3.11 Volts        | ok
Fan 1 Tach       | 8591 RPM          | ok
Fan 2 Tach       | 8378 RPM          | ok
Fan 3 Tach       | 8662 RPM          | ok
Fan 4 Tach       | 7668 RPM          | ok
Fan 1            | 0x00              | ok
Fan 2            | 0x00              | ok
Fan 3            | 0x00              | ok
Fan 4            | 0x00              | ok
CPU 1            | 0x00              | ok
CPU 1 OverTemp   | 0x00              | ok
Aux Log          | 0x00              | ok
NMI State        | 0x00              | ok
ABR Status       | 0x00              | ok
Progress         | 0x00              | ok
Firmware Error   | 0x00              | ok
PCIs             | 0x00              | ok
CPUs             | 0x00              | ok
DIMMs            | 0x00              | ok
SysBrd Fault     | 0x00              | ok
All DIMMS        | 0x00              | ok
One of the DIMMs | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 1           | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 2           | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 3           | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 4           | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 1 Temp      | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 2 Temp      | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 3 Temp      | 0x00              | ok
DIMM 4 Temp      | 0x00              | ok
All PCI Error    | 0x00              | ok
One of PCI Error | 0x00              | ok
Watchdog         | 0x00              | ok
Host Power       | 0x00              | ok
SysBrd Vol Fault | 0x00              | ok
SEL Fullness     | 0x00              | ok
OS RealTime Mod  | 0x00              | ok
PCI 1            | 0x00              | ok
PCI 2            | 0x00              | ok
DASD Backplane 1 | 0x00              | ok
Drive 0          | 0x00              | ok
Drive 1          | 0x00              | ok
Drive 2          | 0x00              | ok
Drive 3          | 0x00              | ok
IMM2 FW Failover | 0x00              | ok
Power Supply 1   | 0x00              | ok
Power Supply 2   | Not Readable      | ns
PS 1 Fan Fault   | 0x00              | ok
PS 2 Fan Fault   | 0x00              | ok
PS 1 Therm Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS 2 Therm Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS1 12V OV Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS2 12V OV Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS1 12V UV Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS2 12V UV Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS1 12V OC Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS2 12V OC Fault | 0x00              | ok
PS 1 VCO Fault   | 0x00              | ok
PS 2 VCO Fault   | 0x00              | ok
Power Unit       | 0x00              | ok
Low Security Jmp | 0x00              | ok
Sig Verify Fail  | 0x00              | ok
GPT Status       | 0x00              | ok
IMM Recovery     | 0x00              | ok
IMM Promotion    | 0x00              | ok
No Boot Device   | 0x00              | ok
CPU 1 Temp       | 32 degrees C      | ok
IMM FW Corrupted | 0x00              | ok
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Page last modified on October 24, 2023, at 12:18 PM by sborrill