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Jump To: Support > KB > NetManager > Config > File

NetManager configuration file

The main NetManager configuration file can be found at /etc/netmanager/netman.conf. It consists of key-value pairs such as:

  1. hostname="netmanager"
  2. interface_internal="wm0"

The configuration file is accompanied a few extra configuration files for more advanced configuration (e.g. custom firewall rules and Port Mapping).

The configuration of all the software on the NetManager is then build up from the main configuration file using Build Scripts.

The vast majority of settings can be altered either using the Console Menu or the webadmin tools. For (very) advanced usage the file can be hand-edited, but this is generally only done by Precedence support or installation staff.

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Page last modified on May 18, 2016, at 01:35 PM by sborrill