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Google Mail - Removing email older than....

Sometime it is useful to remove all email older than a certain amount of days or prior to a specificied date. This can be done fairly easily using the 'Search mail' box.

There are two useful searches you can do within this box. These are:

before:<US date>

For example, to search for all emails from before 1st March 2024 you would type:


To search for all email older than a year type:


The options for 'older_than' are 'd' (days), 'm' (months) and 'y' (years).

On top of this, if you want to just search your inbox and not all other folders, you need to prefix it with:


So to seach for all mails in your inbox from before the 1st March 2024 you would type:

in:inbox before:03/01/2024

Once you have done your search, tick the 'Select' box at the top to select all emails and once selected you can just click the delete icon (or choose anything else you wish to do with them like moving them to another folder). If you have more results than can be displayed on the page, then after you click the select box, at the top, just above your emails, you will see 'All X conversations on this page are selected. Select all conversations that match this search'. Click on the 'Select all conversations' link and once done, you can then click the delete icon (or move, etc.).

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Page last modified on January 20, 2025, at 12:25 PM by preeves