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Configuring FileSurfer for your site
Please note, FileSurfer completely respects your existing share and file permissions (NTFS). It is impossible for FileSurfer to grant more access than you would get elsewhere, i.e. if you try to delete a file from a folder that you only have read-access to, you will be blocked. However, you can grant read-only access to certain shares; this simply removes the rename, delete, upload and create new folder tools from the user interface.
Basic (what we need to know)
- The names of your domain controllers
- What shares on which servers you want to give access to
- Which Active Directory users/groups you want to access certain shares
Tweaking (not necessary, but nice to have)
- Which shares should be read-only for certain users/groups
- Whether to show hidden files (default: no)
- Whether to display exact size of files in bytes or whether to automatically convert to kB, GB, etc. (Default: convert)
- What file extensions to hide from view (e.g. .lnk, .exe)
- What file types to block being uploaded (e.g. .zip, .exe)
- Whether to automatically redirect to SSL
- What do if an uploaded file clashes with an existing file. Choices are:
- Overwrite (default)
- Give error
- Rename new file
Customisation (more advanced options which are usually left alone)
- How many columns you want displaying in small (default:6) and large (default: 2) icon mode
- Skin and colour scheme
- Authentication realm
- List of filetypes to display within the browser (if possible) and which to always download (default: all downloaded)