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Applying updates from the command line

  1. Copy the update .iso file to root's home area on a pool member. You can use any scp client for this such as WinSCP
  2. Get to the command line as root either on the host console or with ssh
  3. Get the UUID of the default storage repository (SR). In this example, it begines with ac:
    [root@xentest ~]# xe pool-param-get param-name=default-SR uuid=`xe pool-list --minimal`
  4. Upload the update file to the pool. You may use tab to auto-complete the file name and the UUID of the SR. This will return the UUID of the update (beginning with cd in this example):
    [root@xentest ~]# xe update-upload file-name=CH82ECU1.iso sr-uuid=ac925672-bf12-2984-55bb-aa286fbf53fb
  5. Get a list of the hosts in the pool:
    [root@xentest ~]# xe host-list | grep name-label
              name-label ( RW): xentest
  6. For each host, apply the update by specifying the update's UUID and the hostname. Again, you may use Tab to autocomplete the UUID and hostname:
    [root@xentest ~]# xe update-apply uuid=cd6e837a-04bc-4fd4-9d1f-3af233198a7f host=xentest
  7. Once you have applied the update to all hosts, you can remove it from the storage:
    [root@xentest ~]# xe update-pool-clean uuid=cd6e837a-04bc-4fd4-9d1f-3af233198a7f
  8. Reboot your hosts as appropriate, pool master first
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Page last modified on January 07, 2022, at 01:29 PM by sborrill