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Jump To: Support > KB > Chromebook > Setup

Chromebook initial setup

  1. Power up Chromebook (may power on as soon as you connect up power supply)
  2. Click Let's go on Welcome! page
  3. Connect to wifi. Leave Allow other users of this device to use this network selected (slider to the right) when doing so. Click Next
  4. Accept terms by click Accept and continue
  5. Wait while it checks for updates
  6. You must then sign into the Chromebook with a Google account which is a two-step process (email address on first screen and then password on second). While you could click Browse as Guest at the bottom left, this will not allow you to do much besides web-browse. To get out of guest mode, click at the bottom right of the screen where the clock is and click on Exit guest
  7. If using an existing account, it is likely that you will be asked to Verify that it's you. If so, you will need to either Confirm your recovery email or Answer your security question. The procedure for each is pretty obvious; for the former, it will show you the email address with some letters replaced by asterisks as a hint. It will not actually email anything to that address and you will not need to enter any further details (such as a code)
  8. Once signed in, you will be asked to confirm your sync and privacy/personalisation settings. If OK click Accept and continue
  9. You will then be prompted about Google Play apps and services and have the options (selected by default) of backing up to Google Drive and enabling location features. Click More to scroll down. Once you have scrolled down, if OK click Accept
  10. You have now completed setup and will be presented with a welcome screen. Familar apps such as Chrome, Gmail, YouTube and Google Docs will be shown in the middle at the bottom (only Chrome was available if you did a guest login)
  11. You will find that various other apps will install in the background such as Google Play Store. if you want to keep an eye on this, you can click on the bottom right again where it will show notifications. This may take a few minutes to complete.
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Page last modified on November 06, 2020, at 10:36 AM by sborrill