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Getting spares

Worked example based on top case panel/trackpad for B50-70 80EU laptop

  1. Find the Hardware and Maintenance Manual for the PC/laptop (e.g. B50-70)
  2. Find the FRU part number. In example, page 69/70 show it to be 90205519
  3. Visit
  4. Search for your product (e.g. B50-70 80EU)
  5. Pick Find Parts (Current Product) from the Parts & Accessories menu
  6. Search for the FRU code. This will show stock levels and also have photos for you to check that the part is correct
  7. Adding to cart from the Lenovo PC Support site fails, so visit
  8. Site will probably be in German, so change Sprake to Englisch and Country to United Kingdom
  9. Search for part code required by entering it in the Product no. box. If you search by serial number you can also ascertain it is the definitely the right part
  10. Purchase. You'll need to create a separate account, your Lenovo account will not work
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Page last modified on November 23, 2018, at 02:35 PM by sborrill