Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Precedence Technologies Ltd
Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1223 359900
Home right arrow Support right arrow Warranties
In general, hardware warranties are handled by the manufacturer. Many of the products we supply are covered by an on-site warranty or can only be repaired by an authorised service centre. For that reason, you should contact the manufacturer or service centre as detailed below.


ThinIT TCX, TCM ThinPad and AtomIQ clients

Hardware warranties (and out-of-warranty repairs) are handled by ourselves. Please contact us if you have any problems. ThinIT TCX, TCM ThinPad and AtomIQ clients have a 1-year return to base (RTB) warranty.

Conditions of out-of-warranty repair

  • Please ensure that any units returned to us have a description of the problem attached to them and are complete (i.e. no internal components such as batteries or flash cards have been removed).
  • Your customer name should be clear either inside or outside the packaging (do NOT rely on postmarks to enable us to guess where a package has come from).
  • Our standard out-of-warranty assessment and basic repair fee is £40. This includes replacements of minor components. If major components (such as motherboards or TFT displays) need replacing, we will contact you for your instructions before proceeding.
  • If no fault can be found with the unit or the unit is deemed not cost-effective to repair, we reserve the right to charge £20 to cover time taken for testing.
  • If units are returned without a problem description or are incomplete, we will charge £20 for the required assessment or reassembly.
  • We are happy to return units deemed not cost-effective to repair to you
  • You will be charged for return carriage at cost.
  • By sending a unit back for repair, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Legacy clients (Network Computers and Thintunes)

All Network Computers and Thintune clients sold by us are now out of warranty by many years. We no longer offer an out-of-warranty repair service for these devices due to their age.

Servers and Storage

All servers and storage devices are provided with a minimum of 1 year on-site warranty (you may have chosen to purchase warranty extensions). You will need to have the serial number and model number to hand before calling.
IBM/LenovoClick here for full details including how to place a call on-line (recommended).
If you have other makes (e.g. Dell, HP, Cisco) covered by a multi-vendor ServiceSuite contract, these are handled by IBM/Lenovo and so you should also follow these instructions.
HP0845 161 0030


If you have a faulty monitor provided by Precedence Technologies, please note down the make, model and serial number and then phone the relevant support number from the table below. Most monitors we supply have either an on-site warranty or a swap-out warranty.
Make Phone Web form Warranty
Acer 0870 853 1000    
Iiyama 0870 224 9595 Click here 3 years on-site
For other makes, please contact us.

Network equipment

HP Procurve08700 130778Limited lifetime
Linksys0800 026 14183 years


We can provide most of the well known makes of PCs. Warranty numbers are listed below:
Fujitsu0870 243 4398
Acer0870 853 1000
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