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Precedence Software: ExtraTime

ExtraTime allows you to set up multiple projects with independent timers. The times are saved across quits and reboots, so it is very useful for timing ongoing projects.

I wrote it because I couldn't believe the lack of decent stopwatch programs for RISCOS!

You may select a project with the radio icons at the left hand side. This will then display the time of this project underneath the icon on the iconbar. The start/stop state will also be displayed. You may start and stop the currently selected project by clicking on the time.

Download ExtraTime v1.04 (28th May 2004)


1.00 20/5/04 First released version
1.01 21/5/04 Added radio icons to select timer to display on iconbar
1.02 21/5/04 Renamed to ExtraTime
1.03 24/5/04 Fix display of hours and minutes
1.04 28/5/04 Reset iconbar display if current project is deleted

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