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FileSurfer is a NetManager module that gives you web-based access to home areas and shared resources on your network. You can access it from any web-browser without any special plug-ins. It is ideal for home access to your network.

FileSurfer Details

FileSurfer is a software module that can be installed on a NetManager. It gives you easy-to-use access to any Windows-style shares (i.e. SMB/CIFS) on any server on your network. It can be accessed using any web-browser and does not require any plug-ins.

When you access FileSurfer you are asked to log in. Your normal network usernames and passwords are supported. You will get exactly the same access rights as if you logged onto a client computer with the same username and password. Normal file and share access permissions are respected.

Additionally, you can restrict access further by specifying list of servers and shares for specific groups and users. You can define shares to be read-only in which all tools to delete, rename or create are removed.

The home server and share can be specified, but will usually automatically default to the user's home area. Users can delete, rename, upload files and create folders. The file listing can be displayed in different ways (e.g. large icons, small icons, full detail).

With a suitable browser (Chrome 7+, Firefox 4+, IE 10+, Opera 12+, Safari 6+) you can drag'n'drop files to upload. Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time. With Chrome 21+ you can also upload a folder of files by dropping the folder onto FileSurfer.

FilsSurfer is fully skinnable meaning that you can create your own look-and-feel and integrate with your local colour scheme.

Custom development

If you have FileSurfer installed on your NetManager, we can do custom development of any web-based file access that you require. Examples are:

  • Assessments uploader

    Users visit an uploader website on the NetManager. They pick a file to upload from their local computer and then choose a member of staff. The uploader takes the file and copies into a subfolder for assessments in the staff member's home area. The filename is checked to be unique and renamed if not. This allows pupils to hand in work from school and home.

  • Homework management

    Users visit a homework website on the NetManager and log in. If they are a pupil, they are given a list of files in their home area. When they pick a file, they are asked to choose a member of staff. The file is copies into the staff member's home area and the pupil's name is appended to the filename so that it is clear who the file is from. An email is sent to the staff member informing them that a file has been submitted.

    The staff member marks the file and makes any required changes. They then log onto the homework website as themselves. They are presented with the list of uploaded files. They pick the file that has been marked and it is automatically copied back to the pupil's home area with the filename altered to indicate it has been marked. The pupil is emailed to inform them that the file has been returned.


Home area access (full details view):
Home area

Home area access (large icons view):
Home area large

Drag and drop upload of a folder containing multiple files:
Drag and drop upload

Browsing shares on a server (and using different colour schemes):
Shares Shares Shares

Browsing servers on network:

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